Shutdown Shortcut – Create Shortcut to Shutdown Windows 10

Shutting down Windows 10 involves a couple of steps: Open the Start menu, click the Power button Down, and then select Shut Down. If you want, however, you can shutdown Windows much more quickly by creating a shutdown shortcut that enables one-click shutdowns.
To create a shortcut to shutdown windows 10, do the following steps:
- Right-click the desktop and then go to New | Shortcut.
- When the Create Shortcut dialog box appears, type
shutdown /s /t 60
(here we are adding a 60 second time interval, typeshutdown /s /t 0
if you don't want to add a time interval). - Click Next and type the name you want to use.
- Click Finish.

Now to change the Shortcut Icon to something exact, right-click the shutdown shortcut and choose Properties.

Click Change Icon and select the icon you want to use.
After you create the shortcut, double-clicking on it will Power-off your computer after 60 seconds. To make this is a one-click shortcut, drag the shutdown shortcut to the taskbar.

If you want, you can add a sequence of keystrokes that will trigger the shutdown shortcut.
Right-click the shortcut and choose Properties. Click the Shortcut tab in the Properties windows. In the Shortcut Key field, press Ctrl+Alt, and the key you want to use to shut down Windows 10 (For example Ctrl+Alt+S).

It is also possible to create another shortcut that will cancel the scheduled shutdown before the time interval is reached.
To do that, follow the same steps, only this time when asking for the location of the item, type shutdown /a