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Install VirtualBox Guest Additions on CentOS 8

Install VirtualBox Guest Additions on CentOS 8

You will need to carry out the following steps (as root) to install VirtualBox Guest Additions on a CentOS 8 Virtual machine and install it without any errors.

Open a terminal and update the Linux kernel with the following command:

dnf -y install kernel

Reboot the virtual machine:

systemctl reboot

Install kernel-headers, gcc, elfutils-libelf-devel, and other dependency packages that are necessary for CentOS 8:

dnf install kernel-headers-$(uname -r) kernel-devel-$(uname -r) elfutils-libelf-devel gcc make tar bzip2

Mount the Guest Addition CD Image: Go to the Devices menu and choose "Insert Guest Addition CD Image" from the menu.

Go to the Devices menu and choose "Insert Guest Addition CD Image" from the menu

Click on Cancel to close the window when asked: Would you like to run it?

centos 8 virtualbox guest additions

Mount the CD Image to the /mnt directory:

mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/

Execute to run the VirtualBox guest additions installer:

sh /mnt/

After the process completes, restart CentOS by typing the systemctl reboot command in the terminal console.

Guest Additions are a set of utilities and programs provided by VirtualBox to improve the overall performance of your guest operating system. Although CentOS Linux 8 can run without Guest Additions, Full-Screen mode, share folders, and other features are not available until you Install Guest Additions.