Learn how to use the Linux cal command to display calendars in Linux terminal.
Six keyboard shortcuts that boost your productivity in the Linux bash shell.
Learn how to fix SSH 'client_loop: send disconnect: Broken pipe' and 'connection reset' issues on both the server side and client side.
As a system administrator, you should know how to check open ports on a Linux Server.
Search for files and folders using the Linux find command with the case insensitive option.
There are one or two commands to check the apache web server version in Linux, depending on the Linux distribution you use.
To manage processes you need to know the PID of the process you want to manage. For example, let's say you want to terminate a process that is unresponsive. We can terminate a process using the kill command, but we need to know the process ID.
There are a couple of important shell variables that control Linux Command History (HISTFILE, HISTFILESIZE and HISTSIZE).
Yum Priorities are important If you have added additional third-party repositories, for example epel and remi. There can be a conflict when a version of a package is available from multiple repositories and you may end up installing the package from the least trusted source.
We can install a wide variety of softwares and packages from the CentOs main repository. But some important packages (such as PHP 7, phpMyAdmin, HTOP and many more) are not available in the CentOS base repository.
There are various reasons why you might want to find which Linux distribution you are using or the OS version of your Linux system. To know the version of Linux installed on your computer, there are many options. One of the options is the lsb_release command.
Iftop, one of the most popular command line tool for monitoring network traffic in Linux. Iftop command can quickly show you which source using most bandwidth by listing its IP address or hostname at the top of the output.
In this tutorial we will learn how to install phpMyAdmin on CentOS 7 for PHP 7.
Epel repository provides a phpMyAdmin package for PHP 5, But it is not compatible with PHP 7. For PHP 7, we need to manually download and setup phpMyAdmin web interface.
We are going to need a web server, a database, and PHP in order to serve dynamic PHP websites. LAMP is a term describing web server that includes all of these software packages.
CentOS 7 LAMP stack includes, following components.
In Linux cat command used to concatenate one or more files together. By default cat command reads the file and print output to the terminal.
To store stderr into a variable we need to use command substitution.
But, by default, command substitution only catches the standard output(stdout). To capture stderr we need to use 2>&1 redirector.
In this tutorial we are going to learn How to use Output redirection and Pipes in Linux Bash environment.
In Linux bash there is Two types of Outputs, stdout (Standard Output) and stderr (Standard Error).
How to check how many users are logged in to the Linux system? There are few commands we can use to show currently logged in users in Linux Operating System.
Download the latest version of the WordPress installation package using the wget command and curl command.
Most Linux distributions use systemd as their init system. In systemd, we use the systemctl command to change runlevels. Also, you should know that, in systemd we identify runlevels as “targets”. For Example multi-user mode called as multi-user.target.
In this tutorial we are going to learn how to use dnf command to install and manage packages in RPM-based Linux distributions.
The dnf command is the improved version of the yum package manager which is used in Redhat based Linux distributions. Currently Fedora use dnf command as its package manager and we expect the next major release of Redhat and CentOS will use dnf command as the their software installer.
In this tutorial we are going to learn how to unzip zip files in Linux Operating System. The Zip file compression Format mostly used in Microsoft Window and often you will need to unzip zip files that ported from a windows computer.
To unzip zip file in Linux, we need to install unzip package. After we install unzip command, we can extract zip file from the command line or from the GUI, if you are using Linux Desktop.
In this Linux tutorial we are going to learn how to update bash in Linux Operating System. We will look how to update bash (GNU Bourne Again shell) in both Redhat Based Linux distributions and Debian Based Linux Distributions.
In this tutorial we are going to learn how to schedule cron jobs to run everytime after system reboot in Linux. The Linux crontab has a time option called @reboot which allows to run a cron job once after reboot every time.
In this article I am going to show you how to print calendar in Linux terminal. In the Linux terminal, we can get the calendar using the cal command. Open the Linux terminal and type cal, and you will get the calendar of the current month.
In this Linux tutorial we are going to learn how deny specific user from running scheduled task using Linux cron job. Every Linux user can add their own cron jobs using crontab -e command. But what if we want to disable specific user from running cronjobs ?
In this tutorial we are going to learn how find Public IP Address of our computer using Linux curl command. Normally, if we want to find the public IP Address we use, we go to google and search “what is my ip address”. But if you use Linux, you can get your public IP Address from the command line using curl command. The curl command with ifconfig.me argument will show your public IP Address.
In this Linux tutorial we are going to learn how to how to check bash version in Linux. To get bash version in Linux, we can use either bash command or $BASH_VERSION environment variable. Easiest way to check bash version is to run bash --version in the command prompt.
In This Linux Tutorial we are going to Learn How to make directories using mkdir Linux Command.
In Linux mkdir command use to create directory in Linux. If no path specified new directory will be created inside the current working directory.