How To Get Administrator Privileges On Windows 10
There are basically two types of user accounts in Windows 10: Standard accounts and Administrator Accounts.
Standard users have limited ability to make changes to the Windows system, such as installing software or manage other user accounts. In order to get administrator privileges, you need to be an Administrator (members of the Administrators local group). The user you created during the Windows installation is an Administrator account.
When the Administrator user performs a task that requires elevated permissions, Windows 10 will prompt for user consent.

Or you can run any program as an Administrator by right clicking on the program. For example, if you want to install software, right click on the setup file and then click Run as administrator.

As an administrator, you can give other users Admin rights.
Go to Settings (Windows key + i) > Accounts > Family & other users. Click the name of the user account you want to give Admin rights, and click Change account type.

Under the Account type, choose Administrator and click OK.